About thicc

I thought I was clever for coming up with this name for an ice cream brand. It's playful, it describes the quality of my ice cream, and makes me seem younger and cooler than I actually am.

It turned out that I'm not the first ice cream brand owner to think of this name. However, I'm choosing to stick with thicc because it means a little more to me than just being playful, descriptive, and young.

My last few years were marked by failed business ventures, meals of plain bread and boiled eggs, and watching my ex-girlfriends get married. I had $7 left in my bank account when I sold my first pint of ice cream. One of the things that kept me going, as silly as it may sound, is the memory of the cat I owned as a uni student. He was ginger, loving, and very thicc. A rough depiction of him can be seen in the packaging design.

So yes, I'll persist with thicc.

But what to do about the other ice cream brands with the same name? I'll simply have to last longer than them. The only way I know how is to make quality ice cream that you and your friends will enjoy.